Why I work at Community Cohesion?
Growing up I witnessed a lot of bad things happen to a lot of people in the community I live, destructive behaviors of people that fell victims to abuse. I always asked myself why is so little being done to help these people, and said one day I want to be part of the change in our communities. I could not be more proud of the organisation I work for, the name says it all, COMMUNITY COHESION, NOT FOR THE COMMUNITIES, BUT WITH THE COMMUNITIES, together we are working towards a better, healthier country, that’s why I work for community cohesion.
By responding effective and efficiently to victims of crime and abuse, I believe that’s the first step to helping that person in their healing process, that’s the impact always hope to make.
The progress I see in clients after intervention is what keeps me going and my willingness to assist and go the extra mile my fellow colleagues present at all times.